Organic Communications

Year: 2010  Volume: 3  Issue: 4




Catalytic transfer-hydrogenations of olefins in glycerol

Dorith Tavor, Sergay Popov, Christina Dlugy and Adi Wolfson

Org. Commun. (2010), 3:4 ; 70-75

Green Processes Center, Chemical Engineering Department, Sami Shamoon College of Engineering, Bialik/Basel Sts. Beer-Sheva, 84100 Israel.

Abstract: Glycerol has been successfully employed as a green solvent and hydrogen donor in the biphasic catalytic transfer-hydrogenation of olefins over Pd/C to yield the corresponding paraffins and dihydroxyacetone, respectively. The use of glycerol eased product separation and catalyst recycling and allowed for microwave-assisted reactions.

Keywords: Glycerol; catalysis; transfer-hydrogenation; green chemistry.