Records of Natural Products

Year: 2010  Volume: 4  Issue: 2




Cembrene Diterpenoids:  Conformational Studies and Molecular Docking to Tubulin

Heather E. Villanueva and William N. Setzer

Department of Chemistry, University of Alabama in Huntsville, Huntsville, AL 35899, USA

Abstract: A conformational analysis of the cembrene diterpenoids cembrene, cembrene A, (3Z)-cembrene A, isocembrene, casbene, and incensole, has been carried out using density functional theory at the B3LYP/6-31G* level of theory.  A molecular docking analysis of these cembrenoids with tubulin has also been performed in order to assess the potential of tubulin binding of these cytotoxic agents.  The macrocyclic cembrenoids are conformationally mobile and numerous low-energy conformations were found.  Molecular docking reveals that the cembrenoids dock into the colchicine binding site of tubulin with comparable docking energies to colchicine.

Keywords: Cembrenes; conformations, tubulin; molecular docking